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Want to know the reasons why you are struggling to increase sales? Maybe you’re still waiting to enroll your first client or maybe it’s about getting to six figures… and somehow you are worried. You’re not quite sure how to make more sales, and it seems like most of the people you talk to are […]

How to Increase SALES for Your Programs and Offers

Marketing, Sales, Video

In this post, you’ll get loads of topics for your Facebook Live broadcasts and Instagram Live livestreams, so that you never run out of ideas for your livestream marketing strategy (and you can turn your strangers into total raving fans, in no time!) BIG NEWS! Livestreaming all the rage and it shows no signs of […]

65 Ideas for your Livestream Broadcast Topics


So you’re ready to launch your first or next ad campaign but now you’re asking yourself – how much should you spend on Facebook Ads? And what’s the right amount to pay for advertising in general? Helpful Resources: Subscribe to my YouTube channel RIGHT HERE Grab the free guide on making high-converting Facebook Ads campaigns […]

How much should you spend on facebook ads?

Facebook Ads, Marketing, Video

Looking to get media coverage or publicity for your business? There are a few things you can do that can help (OR DETER) you from getting publicity. Most entrepreneurs make these five common mistakes – make sure you’re not one of them! Helpful Resources: Subscribe to my YouTube channel RIGHT HERE Grab the free Publicity […]

5 common mistakes entrepreneurs make when trying to get PR for their business

Marketing, Publicity, Video

Curious how to write for Forbes and how to get featured on Forbes? I had the privilege of being featured on as a coach by the time I turned 27 (2 years ago) and it has allowed me to be a springboard for getting featured in other big online media publications. In this video, […]

How I got featured on Forbes at 27 as a business coach

Marketing, Publicity, Video

So you’re ready to advertise on Facebook Ads in 2019 but not sure if you’ve got your ducks in order? Whether you’ve already been running fb ads (and not seeing lots of results) or you’re looking to dip your toes in, make sure to watch this video ASAP! The thing is – Facebook Ads 2019 […]

5 things to do before attempting Facebook Ads in 2019

Facebook Ads, Marketing, Video

So, you want to look great on video and are not sure how… You know that using video marketing can really help you accelerate your growth but what if you’re getting too caught up in the details? Whether you want to look good on camera for YouTube, or for your other marketing videos, or Facebook […]

7 ways to look good on video (without fancy equipment!)

Marketing, Video, Visibility

Branding Yourself on Social Media

Hey there amazing! Let’s talk about branding. And particularly, branding yourself on social media. When you hear about someone talking about a brand name, I’m betting a few things come to mind—the mermaid logo of Starbucks, the swoosh of Nike, the icon for Apple computers, and the distinctive white-on-red lettering of Coca-Cola. But did you […]

7 Essential Tips for Branding Yourself on Social Media


Looking to increase Facebook engagement ASAP? These tips should help. So, a lot of my clients use Facebook as their main social media platform to communicate with prospective clients. Many also often talk about how, in the light of the constant algorithm changes, it’s become trickier than ever to engage people. Questions around what to post on […]

Facebook Marketing: 25 Things You Can Do to Increase Facebook Engagement Today


So, you’ve spent weeks (or months) creating an amazing product or offer. Maybe it’s this awesome self-study course you’ve been dreaming about creating for ages now (I mean, hello, passive income!) or maybe it’s that transformational group coaching program you knew your people totally need… Or maybe it’s something else. You’re excited about it. You’re […]

6 Reasons Why Your Product Launch Failed (and How to Prevent it Happening Again)

Business, Marketing

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