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Nicole Jackson Miller, is the Founder of The Project Designer, a company that helps entrepreneurs manage their projects and their people.  From her 10 years of management experience negotiating deals for major TV networks, overseeing 6- and 7-figure projects online and even orchestrating some of the behind-the-scenes magic of the Beijing Olympics, Nicole basically knows […]

31: Nicole Jackson Miller of The Project Designer on Hiring and Firing


Are you operating as the CEO of your business and your life, or are you only staying in the role of the service that you’re providing? If you are like most people, it’s very likely that you are not operating as a CEO. I am not here to make you feel bad, but I want […]

29: Stepping into the CEO role


Amanda Goldman-Petri, founder of Market Like A Nerd, is an internationally renowned “Work Smarter, Not Harder” Online Marketing Coach for entrepreneurs who want to maximize their profits while minimizing the amount of time and effort they put into their business. After overcoming poverty, child abuse, rape, teen pregnancy, and near death, Amanda was able to […]

28: Amanda Goldman-Petri of Market Like a Nerd


Consistency plays a key role in achieving success, but so many people struggle in this area. Through conversations with my tribe I’ve learned that maintaining consistency is one of the biggest difficulties for them – whether it’s posting regularly on Facebook, live streaming on social media, writing articles, sending emails to a list, or whatever […]

27: Consistency Struggles


Applying hustle in your business is important, but so are the things you’re doing when you’re doing the hustling. If you want to move forward efficiently and achieve the results you desire, it’s essential to make the work you’re doing flow better, easier, and smarter. This brings us to something that a lot of people […]

26: Simplifying your To-Do List


Podcaster, Master Coach, and Marketing Strategist all rolled up into one purple-haired powerhouse, Nicole Holland is known as the secret weapon that smart CEOs and successful business owners turn to, to grow their business exponentially through Podcast Guesting. Proud to have been named in the Huffington Post as one of “50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs in […]

25: Nicole Holland of The Business Building Rockstars Show on Podcasting in Your Business


I want to explain in depth what I mean when I talk about Heart Behind Hustle, since some people may not fully understand this movement that I’m leading. Heart Behind Hustle is a very specific motion, but many people are unfamiliar with the concept. There can be an illusion that when you pair the word […]

24: Visionary leadership with Heart Behind Hustle


There are two different modes that we alternate between – our short term visions and our long term visions. The long term always appears more important because it seems more attractive at a quick glance. But when it comes down to it, both are extremely important to have in your business at any given time. […]

23: Becoming proactive versus reactive


Cassie Howard helps entrepreneurs ditch overwhelm and confusion, step into their power and make bank. She’s a leading entrepreneur that breaks all of the rules and still comes out on top EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. She loves the hustle, can’t get enough of the hustle, will die for the hustle, and has no regrets. She is […]

22: Cassie Howard on Mindset Secrets and Creating Offers (Heart Behind Hustle #6)


We all, at one point or another, become so focused on reaching a specific outcome that we try hard to control how it happens. Let’s say that some unforeseen expenses come up and you need to enroll two new clients into your business to make sure things stay running smoothly. You drill the idea into […]

21: Detachment from outcome


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