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Position: Client Success Manager Empowering clients, fostering relationships, and driving program success. At Heart Behind Hustle & Evergreen Icon, we help coaches and course creators create scalable, sustainable businesses while working less. Through our programs, clients develop group coaching offers, automated sales systems, and paid ad strategies to sell in a hands-off way. We’re seeking […]

Now hiring for 2025: Client Success Manager


I recently posted a reel sharing that I stopped using Facebook groups to host the community and support for my paid programs. Since then, I’ve had some people message me asking why I did it and which tools would I recommend replacing it. In this post, I’m going to share: Why I stopped using Facebook […]

Why I stopped using Facebook Groups for my Group Programs

Business, Comparison

Most of my private coaching clients hire me because they want help with creating and launching their programs. Some feel ready to scale beyond 1:1 clients and move into groups. Some have already been running their group programs but not enrolling clients into them effectively (or consistently). Others aren’t fully ready to launch quite yet, […]

Most of my private clients are working on THIS right now 🤯


2021 in a word was all about figuring out what I want to see happen in the future. Whereas 2020 was a breakthrough year in terms of revenue and trying new things, 2021 was about refining and figuring out how do I really want things to run. I am a huge fan of optimizing, experimenting, […]

2021 Recap: Year in Review


If you’re thinking about how to quit Your Job COLD TURKEY To Start Your Own Business… I have some concerns. I want to make sure you make the best decision for you – so watch this video! There are some things I did before quitting my job to become a full-time entrepreneur. The truth is, […]

The truth about quitting your job to start a business

Business, Video

In this post, you’ll discover how to make a business plan for your business. If you’re like many entrepreneurs who are in our community, you want to have a thriving business. Yet, when it comes to starting one, there’s an essential thing you need that will give you the clarity and action steps to take […]

How to Make a Business Plan for Your Business


Hey, amazing! Today, I wanted to talk about the importance of setting the right building blocks in your business to support it in scaling. The fact of the matter is, what got you to six figures often won’t get you into multiple six figures. There are a few different things you want to consider to make […]

5 Shifts to Scale from Six Figures and Go into Multiple Six Figures in Revenue


This post goes out to folks who are newer on their business journey. The first year or two of business are a critical time – they will either make or break you. You’ll either feel excited and inspired… or deflated and discouraged. And it all comes down to your results… and the work you do. […]

You’re likely wasting your time if you do this (as a Newer Entrepreneur)


So, you’ve spent weeks (or months) creating an amazing product or offer. Maybe it’s this awesome self-study course you’ve been dreaming about creating for ages now (I mean, hello, passive income!) or maybe it’s that transformational group coaching program you knew your people totally need… Or maybe it’s something else. You’re excited about it. You’re […]

6 Reasons Why Your Product Launch Failed (and How to Prevent it Happening Again)

Business, Marketing

So, every so often I talk to an entrepreneur who’s been trying to grow her business. She does all the things she thinks she’s supposed to do. She tries so hard. But yet, she still seems to fall flat. Struggling with getting clients, growing her community, and making the impact she desires. Well, here’s the […]

Why you’re still not at six figures yet in your business


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Learn the method I used to book $1M+ in my service-based business while working only 20 hrs a week... 

... without cold messaging strangers, building complicated funnels, or spending all day on social media.

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